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Saturday, November 15, 2014

New Warriors Art w/ Help From a Friend!

Hey guys! It's Smarty here. :) Today I have some new warriors arty stuffiez... I drew these with a little help from my friend, River Spirit's, techniques.

I use her drawings to help with the sketches, and then I draw the rest myself (giving partial credit to her). :) Hope you guys enjoy!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

ThunderClan Family Tree + Hawkfrost & Ivypaw Speedpaint

Hey Warriors! I just randomly decided last night to make a family tree of most of the ThunderClan cats, so, yeah. Here it is.

If you can't see it, click it to expand. 

Also, I did a speedpaint of Hawkfrost and Ivypool, called "The Darkest Warrior". 

Sorry if it's a little bad quality. You can always also view it on my YouTube channel. 

Final Image: 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Chapters Two & Three Are Here! + Store Updates

Welcome warriors! Chapters 2 and 3 of my Warriors cats Fanfic, Broken Dream, have arrived! You can find them under the page titled, "Broken Dream - A Warriors Fanfic", go here.

Also, we have an update! Starting soon, the Roleplaying Store will be updated with new and improved pictures of any items/accessories.

I hope you enjoy them! :D Have fun Roleplaying!

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